Rewind to Saturday April 9th
There is no one {other than Mema} that Gabrielle would rather have one on one time with than her Daddy, so she was over the moon with excitement when we revealed to her at the last minute that she was having a date in less than an hour. We rushed to get her showered, blow dry & curl her hair and fancy up in her new "party dress" which we scored on an a.m.a.z.i.n.g clearance sale at Dillard's in Springfield.

A pre-date snapshot taken outside the house.
The weather was perfect minus the Kansas winds.

This is Travis and Gabrielle's 3rd time attending the annual CFL Daddy Daughter date night.

N'hood friend Katie Stegeman & Ms. G - both incredible dolls in my opinion!

Horse and carriage ride around the parking lot post dinner date & dessert
The horses had their tail's braided and "toes" painted in sparkling silver glitter paint. So appropriate for the evenings venue.

Photo opp with Cinderella
As much as I would love to say that this special evening with her Daddy was just that - special - I refuse to lie and say that it was. In all honesty it was more of a disaster. 1st off, Gabi was in rare fashion during dinner being a complete turd. We have noticed a pattern of her acting overly silly when around her friends as a way of drawing attention to herself. She ate NOTHING! during her supper, including her dessert. And here is the best part. She started a fire at CFL! They had tea light candles on each table and she carelessly flipped her napkin onto the candle starting a small fire. Brilliant! When it was time for the date to come to an end she was less than thrilled. She stated "Is that it?" As if she expected so much more from the evening. I had to get the rest of the story from both Travis and my Mom later that evening when I arrived home from my own outing. It turns out Travis and Gabrielle had their outs once home and G picked up the phone to call my mom in tears. My mom is THEE BEST at tending to Gabrielle's sensitivity so as many times in the past Mema came to the rescue. I guess Gabi stormed out the door (Dawson, her constant shadow, followed closely behind). Travis thought she had headed up the street to my parents, which she is not allowed to do on her own EVER. Turns out they waited on the front steps for Mema to come take them for a walk to calm the matters. Mema returned them home at bedtime and all was well. Needless to say Daddy is in no rush to take her out again for a while. We will see how long that lasts cuz' like most daddies he has a soft spot for his little girl :)
There is no one {other than Mema} that Gabrielle would rather have one on one time with than her Daddy, so she was over the moon with excitement when we revealed to her at the last minute that she was having a date in less than an hour. We rushed to get her showered, blow dry & curl her hair and fancy up in her new "party dress" which we scored on an a.m.a.z.i.n.g clearance sale at Dillard's in Springfield.
A pre-date snapshot taken outside the house.
The weather was perfect minus the Kansas winds.
This is Travis and Gabrielle's 3rd time attending the annual CFL Daddy Daughter date night.
N'hood friend Katie Stegeman & Ms. G - both incredible dolls in my opinion!
Horse and carriage ride around the parking lot post dinner date & dessert
The horses had their tail's braided and "toes" painted in sparkling silver glitter paint. So appropriate for the evenings venue.
Photo opp with Cinderella
As much as I would love to say that this special evening with her Daddy was just that - special - I refuse to lie and say that it was. In all honesty it was more of a disaster. 1st off, Gabi was in rare fashion during dinner being a complete turd. We have noticed a pattern of her acting overly silly when around her friends as a way of drawing attention to herself. She ate NOTHING! during her supper, including her dessert. And here is the best part. She started a fire at CFL! They had tea light candles on each table and she carelessly flipped her napkin onto the candle starting a small fire. Brilliant! When it was time for the date to come to an end she was less than thrilled. She stated "Is that it?" As if she expected so much more from the evening. I had to get the rest of the story from both Travis and my Mom later that evening when I arrived home from my own outing. It turns out Travis and Gabrielle had their outs once home and G picked up the phone to call my mom in tears. My mom is THEE BEST at tending to Gabrielle's sensitivity so as many times in the past Mema came to the rescue. I guess Gabi stormed out the door (Dawson, her constant shadow, followed closely behind). Travis thought she had headed up the street to my parents, which she is not allowed to do on her own EVER. Turns out they waited on the front steps for Mema to come take them for a walk to calm the matters. Mema returned them home at bedtime and all was well. Needless to say Daddy is in no rush to take her out again for a while. We will see how long that lasts cuz' like most daddies he has a soft spot for his little girl :)