Our first born babe turned SIX years old on New Year's Day. It doesn't seem possible to me that she has been in our lives for SIX years. SIX years has flown by and I wouldn't trade a minute of it! I will take the loud voiced, determined, short tempered (like her Mommy), tenderhearted, people pleasing, bossy, beautiful young lady just as she is.
New Year's Day we started out by opening gifts.
Gabi received this sassy little purse from either her Aunt Shari or her GG??
I am uncertain.
She filled it up with all the girly necessities -
money, lip gloss, etc before we set out for the day.
This was a gift from us.
I had fun hiding it in tissue and making her search for it within the gift sack.
She chose to spend all $20 + $7 additional from her "stash" at the American Girl doll store getting Kate's ears pierced and buying a pair of white denim belted pants to match a tee that GG bought her (making outfit #3 for Kate).
Gabrielle and Kate
Apparently Mema and I didn't do the best job picking out Gabrielle's "look alike" AG doll. I think the doll with fair skin, caramel hair and blue eyes may have been a better fit. This is no matter to Gabrielle as she loves her Kate and wouldn't exchange her!
Papa and Mema stopped in to wish their girl a Happy Birthday.
Gabs was thrilled to receive an adorable Spring outfit for Kate (outfit #2) and an accessory kit for her Tini Puppini.
We spent the day seeing Yogi Bear at the theatre, grabbing a bite to eat, then doing a little shopping at the American Girl store and Dillards. It was a day well spent!
Things I want to remember about age 5:
- You have poor eating habits (you eat with your fingers, often spill drinks & make messes, tear the crust off of bread ... the list goes on) and remain a VERY picky eater (you eat very little meat calling yourself a vegetarian and a choice few vegetables). You love carbohydrates eating breads and pasta very well. You prefer any/all things sweet! You ask for ice cream nearly every night.
- You lost your first 4 teeth over the course of the past year - two on the middle bottom and two on the top middle
- You have become a great help around the house and tend to lean towards my OCD behaviors. When you set your mind to it you clean and organize to perfection and become very irritable if Dawson comes behind you and "makes a mess." You enjoy helping sort and do laundry, vacuum the stairs (however you say "Ooohhhh, my back is KILLING me!" every time you do it :P), you LOVE to help with cooking and baking.
- You have proven to have my love of reading and are quickly expanding your list of sight words and impress us all with your reading ability. I also believe you will excel at spelling as you try very hard to sound out words in an effort to spell them without assistance. I have kept many of your papers over the course of the year to look back on your spelling progression.
1 comment:
Love the new posts of course but I can't wait for pictures of the new little one. However, I suppose your farely busy these days so I'll wait patiently for you to catch up:)
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